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Excellently written book about a drug and alcohol addict who turned his life around from the extreme chaos of active addiction to becoming a happy and respected member of society. Inspirational and a good read for anyone suffering or for friends and family of those addicted to either drugs or alcohol, or both. It has a riveting story that delves into the chaos and turmoil of addiction and the road to recovery and happiness. It delivers a strong message of hope that recovery is possible for all, demonstrating the steps to recovery and the route to a happier and contented life free from addiction. If you are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, or know or are related to someone who needs help then this is a must read. Recovery is possible. I couldn’t put this book down and read it in two days. Great story too.
Simon Khalil
What huge courage to share so openly such an epic journey. One that will inspire you and give you hope and be the back bone for your own recovery, whether an addict or relative of an addict. Having known Ian back in the early 90’s while we were all travelling, I had no idea of the extent of his drug habits and the destructive journey we was on, so it warms my heart to know how he turned it all around and how he has dedicated his life to helping others inflicted with addiction and generally putting back into this world to make it a better place – something we could all learn from. There are lessons for everyone in this book, whether dealing with addiction or not. Great work Ian.
Ian does have a ‘special’ if somewhat ‘mad’ story to tell. I believe he is right with his hope that he will inspire others to ‘get clean’ as well as give support to people who may care for an addicted loved one. His style is easy and unpretentious, as if he is chatting to you in a room. He gives enormous insight into his mind and why drugs and alcohol became such an important part of his life-many will identify with his thought processes. For all the extensive descriptions about the ‘colourful’, ‘crazy’ and ‘chaotic’ episodes during his addictive years, I found the sections on ‘realization’ and ‘recovery’ the most interesting and compelling. He knew when the ‘game was finally over’ and he had to choose between life and death. But the recognition, recovery and reformation took enormous courage, struggle and time – the heart of the inspiration in the book. Knowing that there are strategies, help and guidance available, will give strength to others determined to follow a similar positive route to Ian. A book well worth reading.
A very inspiring book! Loved reading it! Couldn’t put my iPad down!
Teresa Scott
I laughed, I cried and mostly I was amazed about Ian Young and how he grew thru his journey to become a transformational leader in Europe.
Marie Diamond
Well written, easy to read and I should imagine very helpful and inspiring to anyone who’s suffering.
DJ Meltdown Mickey
Ian’s book is well worth a read, its shocking, surprising, interesting and inspiring. You rock Ian!
Lisa Donald
Bought it, read it. Amazing! Thank you for sharing. I could relate to so much of your story. Inspiring, honest and a huge amount of courage to write it.
Richard George
This is such a great read. Can be used as a tool to keep us addicts grounded. If one can succeed, we all can! Just goes to show that we come in all forms, different parts of the country, different backgrounds and different races and most of us end up in the same dark place.
Ian Young’s story is significant and important. He should be congratulated on his honesty – it must a difficult decision and a calculated gamble in the name of re-balancing karma (or redemption depending on your religious views) to be so open about what is a blatant waste of a young life and the knock-on effect of such appalling behaviours upon others. So many books in this genre rely on shock tactics and I have to admit (having had a similar lifestyle) that the first part of the book made me feel physically sick and reminding me of the damage that can be caused. I was so glad to read the second part of the book. Uplifting and energising, Ian’s progress means that we can have hope in our lives – hope of improved health, karma, redemption, and the ability to reach others. If I had a family member who was using substances this book would put things into perspective -one of those perspectives may be “thank god my son/daughter isn’t as bad as that”, if I was using myself I would understand that there ARE people out there who care and there is HOPE. Well-done Ian Young.
Steve G.
Ian Young was an amazing influence in my life last year and has continued to be a wonderful support to me since. He helped me to research a film role I was determined to get right. It was the role of a police woman struggling with alcohol and cocaine addiction. Ian introduced me to some unbelievable people who were so honest and open about their own experiences of addiction and rehabilitation. The whole experience was unbelievably moving to me as a person and made the role in to something that exceeded all of my expectations as an actress. I knew, after my time with Ian researching, that I had to honour him and all the people who had given me their time in my performance. I am so grateful to all of them. I don’t care how the role is perceived as long as they and Ian gives it the thumbs up! That’s what matters. Seeing the generosity, commitment and humour Ian brings to the people he works with is truly inspirational. He uses his own struggle and experience to help others through theirs. Not the kind of humanity you find every day. He is one of those people that makes things happen. All I had to do was ask if he could sort me out with some people to talk to and places to visit for research and it was done. He really did make what I thought to be the impossible, possible. I could not have done it without you Ian! Let’s hope the film does well, but most importantly, let’s hope all the people I met are happy and healthy and continue to thrive on the support you and people like you give them. Thanks for being so generous and putting yourself on the line for a complete stranger. All the blessings in the world for all you put your hand to.
Zawe Ashton
I remember sitting in a room in prison one day, lost, alone and beaten, on the phone talking to Ian. He gave me something during that 10-minute call that had been taken from me over years… he gave me the gift of hope… gratitude. Ian was also one of the first people I met when I came into rehab for my severe drug addiction (which is why I was in prison in the first place) and he never judged me, something I was not used to…. faith. From that point on he has always been a silent companion on this journey, who I know would come through for me should I need direction or support. In Ian just being himself I was able to find inspiration to just be me… courage. Thank you Ian, for being a key component in my recovery, which has now saved my life… unity. God bless you Ian Young
Kevin Jaffries