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What is Basket Brigade?

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Basket Brigade is an annual event, inspired by Anthony Robbins, and his teachings around unconditional contribution and fundraising. The recipients of the baskets are people like you and me, who just happen to be in a place at the moment where they have been dealt a very difficult hand.So, once a year, every year, on the 23rd December, hundreds of volunteers in London come together to give unconditionally to their community.

In 2013 over 600 volunteers created 3000 Christmas baskets delivered to families who faced difficulty that year and in total fed around 12,000 less fortunate people in one single day!

Imagine the pressure and sadness that many families feel at Christmas. Now imagine their reaction to a stranger appearing on their doorstep and providing a basket full of food and seasonal goods! And accompanying the basket is a card which reads:

“This basket comes to you from someone who cares about you.All we ask is that you take care of yourself well enough to be able todo this for someone else someday.” Signed “A friend”.

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How can you get involved?

There are many ways you can contribute; from packaging and driving on the day to fund raising and coordinating operations. Many people even bring their families down to join in the party atmosphere on the day.

in 2015 we’ve moved into a new venue in North West London, and we’re expecting around 1000 volunteers, and aiming to feed over 3000 families!!!

Here’s three links explaining more about the Basket Brigade and where you can volunteer your time and also make a donation.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_testimonial author=” Basket Brigade 2013 Volunteer” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default”] I knocked at an old frail ladies house who was living on her own called Jane, she will particularly be in my thoughts on Christmas day. She was suffering from severe cataracts and started to cry as we delivered her hamper, saying she had never received a Christmas present before. It was a very emotional moment for us all, and it’s wonderful to know we have bought a little Christmas cheer to her life. In all it was a lovely day and I would recommend everyone should do it at least once![/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_video_slider _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″][et_pb_video_slider_item src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” show_image_overlay=”off”][/et_pb_video_slider_item][et_pb_video_slider_item src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” show_image_overlay=”off”][/et_pb_video_slider_item][et_pb_video_slider_item src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” show_image_overlay=”off”][/et_pb_video_slider_item][/et_pb_video_slider][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]