Ian Young’s story is significant and important. He should be congratulated on his honesty – it must a difficult decision and a calculated gamble in the name of re-balancing karma (or redemption depending on your religious views) to be so open about what is a blatant waste of a young life and the knock-on effect of such appalling behaviours upon others. So many books in this genre rely on shock tactics and I have to admit (having had a similar lifestyle) that the first part of the book made me feel physically sick and reminding me of the damage that can be caused.

I was so glad to read the second part of the book. Uplifting and energising, Ian’s progress means that we can have hope in our lives – hope of improved health, karma, redemption, and the ability to reach others. If I had a family member who was using substances this book would put things into perspective -one of those perspectives may be “thank god my son/daughter isn’t as bad as that”, if I was using myself I would understand that there ARE people out there who care and there is HOPE.

Well-done Ian Young.
Steve G.